I’m still flitting: meeting dennis miller

I had the pleasure to see Dennis Miller (with opening act Julia Lillis) at the Fox Performing Arts Center in Riverside tonight.  He told a sweet story about his 69-year-old mother who got to have dinner with her son and Frank Sinatra 6 months before her death.

She told Sinatra, “I saw you in 1952 at the Stanley Theater in Pittsburgh.”

Sinatra replied, “1952, Stanley Theater?  I remember you. You were on the left.  You looked GOOD.”

Dennis said his mom “flitted” away.

Tonight, I got to meet Dennis backstage before the show.  The way his mom felt when she met Sinatra?  Yeah, that’s how I feel right now. I’m still flitting.


  1. Gwen Truax · September 18, 2010

    Look how svelte Dennis is looking. He mentioned that he was working on his weight. I lost weight recently, a serious case of pneumonia will do that.

    So happy for you Terri. Really great story, too.


  2. typhoidterri · September 18, 2010

    Thanks Gwen. I hope you’ve recovered from your pneumonia and you’re feeling better.


  3. Lynne Bolinger · September 19, 2010

    so, so cool. Did you notice how his eyes sparkle? What a charmer.


  4. typhoidterri · September 19, 2010

    Yes – first time I noticed he has blue eyes.


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